

Media Buying Tools

Which Media Buying Tools Do I Need for My Agency? The kind of media buying tools your advertising agency needs for media planning largely depends on what kind of clients your agency serves. Some agencies specialize in branding and awareness; other firms have found their niche in direct response. Further, some agencies place national campaigns

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Media Planner Tool

Using a Media Planner Tool To Help Build Your Media Strategy If your agency juggles clients with complex media buying needs, a media planner tool can be indispensable. Some clients may prefer to run advertising on only one medium, but for many clients a mix of several media is the ideal way to penetrate the

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Simplify Your Workflow with Media Buying Software

Every business must decide whether to invest in the essential tools required to operate efficiently. For ad agencies, one such tool is media buying software – an advanced technology solution that many agencies have adopted but some have yet to explore. This software streamlines the process of creating media plans and insertion orders for placing

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Media Planning Software Tool

The Features Needed By Today’s Agencies Using the most common media planning software tool still on the market today is like traveling back in time with Marty McFly. If it isn’t one network-based software with all the sex appeal of a DOS prompt, then it’s probably another 30-year-old program that only recently transcended the astral

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