
Media Buying Tools

Which Media Buying Tools Do I Need for My Agency?

The kind of media buying tools your advertising agency needs for media planning largely depends on what kind of clients your agency serves. Some agencies specialize in branding and awareness; other firms have found their niche in direct response. Further, some agencies place national campaigns while others manage accounts with a local presence. The best approach to selecting a media planning solution is to identify the type of tools you’ll need to efficiently place all of your clients’ media, while still giving your clients and your agency room to grow.

What Media are Your Meat and Potatoes?

Whether by design or by evolution, many agencies buy more of one form of media than others. If your agency has clients with a heavy focus on broadcast television, ratings integration is one media buying tool you can’t do without. On the other hand, if you are buying a lot of digital media for clients, you need a media planning software that is built to accommodate manual inputs such as CPM and impressions. Many legacy planners simply were not designed to handle digital media buys. Identify early in your purchase process if certain media are a focus for your agency and clients and compare that to the capabilities of the media planning software you are considering.

The Right Tools for the Job

Good media buying tools make for more effective media placements. Features like ratings analysis, invoice reconciliation, and internet analytics empower the user to work more efficiently and with the benefit of better information. Much like ratings, knowing how well previous campaigns performed in terms of driving web traffic can help determine the effectiveness of certain media partners, programs, and dayparts. Being able to reconcile invoices with these tools saves hours of manual reconciliation, freeing up staff to be more productive with their time. If your agency is more agile, you can be more responsive to client needs.

Get the Right Tools for Your Agency with GaleForceMedia

GaleForce Digital has developed a cutting edge media buying tool that is the evolution of media software. GaleForceMedia gives advertising agencies and media buying firms the features and flexibility they need to provide media planning services to a wide range of clients. With the media landscape today being so fractured, you need robust media buying tools at your disposal. GaleForceMedia can help you take control of your planning process and effectively manage your campaigns while allowing your agency to work more efficiently. Contact us today with a message or call (866) 233-8499 to speak with one of our GaleForceMedia specialists.


Let’s set up some time to talk about your business to see if we’re a good fit!


Nope. GaleForceMedia is strictly a web-based platform, meaning you can access it anywhere from any device. All you have to do is log into your account. While optimized for Chrome, it works on all major browsers.

We are constantly working to create new features for GaleForceMedia. We like to give our users an idea of what features and functionalities will be added in the near future. Future enhancements are listed where they’ll be located in the platform and are labeled “coming soon.”

Absolutely! We want you to be successful and knowledgeable when using GaleForceMedia. Your dedicated account manager will assist you through the onboarding process and beyond.

Media Insights is a new feature to the media buying industry that allows you to synchronize your campaigns with Google Analytics accounts to measure the impact of advertising on web traffic. Once you receive invoices from your vendors, you can import them into GaleForceMedia and compare ads and budgets to web traffic. This will give you an idea of which spots are generating site visits.

If you are a Nielsen or Comscore subscriber, simply inform your data representative that you wish to integrate your ratings in GaleForceMedia. Once the data is released to us, we will integrate the data into your GaleForceMedia account within a few days.

Yes! We want you to be confident in your decision to use GaleForceMedia, so what better way than a hands-on free trial? Contact us today to set one up!

Let us know as soon as possible if you are experiencing any issues with GaleForceMedia. Your dedicated support rep will be happy to help diagnose and work through the issue.

Of course! Everyone loves a discount! Contact us today to learn what we can do for you.

Nope. All contracts are a year in length – just long enough for you to fall in love with us. However, you can choose to sign up for more than one year to lock in our current rates.

Unlike other media buying software, GaleForceMedia is the most modern and versatile. It’s 100% web based, has an easy-to-use interface, and new, advanced methods of calculating combined TV and Radio reach and frequency. Get in touch with us today to learn more!