ReForce Monitors Reviews and Builds Your Reputation and Brand

Business today is deeply affected by the power of opinion—bloggers, the ability to post comments, and Yelp have made it unlikely that someone will try a new business without consulting someone else’s opinion first. The consumer trusts the review of another consumer infinitely more than they will ever trust advertising.

The Internet is a vast landscape. Without proper direction, information about your business can exist anywhere on the Internet without you knowing about it—this means two things for the online reputation of any business: customers who want to say good things about your business won’t know where to go, and bad reviews about your business could exist for months before you find out.

Both of these things are detrimental to a business’s reputation. Any business that wants to make the most of the online marketing landscape needs to monitor their reviews, and our ReForce program can help your business monitor reviews in a way that is efficient and effective.

Accidents happen and people have bad days—it’s hardly uncommon. Often times when someone takes to the Internet to post a bad review, it’s about a minor situation that can be remedied with just a bit of attention from management. However, if you don’t have an effective means to monitor reviews, a bad review can fester online. If that one review is your only review, it is the whole of your online reputation.

The power of ReForce

With ReForce, you can monitor reviews posted about your business across all major review sites. By knowing what people are saying about their experiences with your business, you can easily attend to customer complaints. Not only will this satisfy an unhappy customer, future customers will get to see how attentive your management is, effectively turning a bad review into a positive customer experience.

Our method to monitor reviews can also help you highlight the good. ReForce can help you create an organized and effective method to attend to customers and give them a place to share positive experiences they had with your business.

This balance of gathering and highlighting positive reviews, alongside attending to complaints and negative reviews will give your business the honest and fair reputation it deserves. ReForce can help you do more than just monitor reviews—it can help you build a brand for your business online.